Tuesday, November 17, 2015

17 November 1977

My last post....before this one...was on 14th of May 2015.

And today is 17th November 2015. Its my birthday. Hence, it is a must-write-day.

Alhamdullillah. I am 38 today. 38 is a big number.

I experienced a close aunt leaving the world at the age of 36.
A friend return back to Allah at the age of 35.
A friend losing her age-12-son, return back to jannah.

Hence, 38 is a big number. Alhamdulillah...thank you so much Allah for these big numbers.

With these big numbers....Today, is a celebration with lots love. Lots and lots of love. All the peoples that I loved, contacted me and wishing me happy birthday. My loved one, my soul mate in shaa Allah till jannah had been celebrating my birthday, yesterday, today and in shaa Allah tomorrow. Like sort of pre, on and post birthday celebration. What else can I say....Alhamdulillah...thank you so much. Words were just unable to describe the bursting love inside....

And as for my birthday wish....to end the day....17 November 2015

may we all be together, in love, in lots of care & lots of iman & lots of patient & lots of courage & of course lots of happiness in this world that shall lead us to the never ending love and happiness in the hereafter.

Strength is what move you
love is what inspire you
happiness is what excites you

So...be happy and be in love....with these 2...you will have the strength to conquer the world!!!


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thank you Allah

Having these 2 persons in my life
Are the best gift from Allah

Being with them
Sharing this temporary journey
With these gifts...
Is the sweetest thing in my life

Words may not be able to describe
Paintings may not be able to illustrate
Numbers may not be able to count
Of how amazing this journey are
With these gifts from Allah

I may not be able to
Go around the world...
But i totally dont mind
Being with them is like having the world for me...

I dont feel less
I dont feel tired
I dont feel empty
I only felt love
And lots of love
From these 2 amazing creatured
Of Allah's creation...

Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah

Monday, February 23, 2015

Will there be....

Will there be life
When there is no soul

Will there be love
When there is no sacrifices

Will there be happiness
When there is no smile

Will there be hope
When there is no dream

Will there be rainbow
When there is no rain

And will there be you
When there is no me

Will there be an end
When there is no start

And all these thoughts
And all these emotions
And all these smile & tears
Had reached beyond imagination

Hence will there be a living me
When there is no heart....

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Anakku sayang

Anakku sayang
buah hati mama
kesayangan mama
kurniaan teristimewa buat mama

Banyak yang mama tidak tahu
banyak yang mama kelu dungu
banyak yang mama kurang dan banyak yang mama lemah lagi tidak tabah

Maafkanlah mama...anakku sayang
ketika ditanya arah tuju
ketika ditanya bertalu-talu
ke manakah yang perlu kita lalu
mama terus membisu
kerana mama sendiri tidak tahu
apa yang perlu
apa yang mereka mahu
apa yang kita mahu
arah mana yang sepatutnya kita tuju...

Anakku sayang
maafkan mama
kerana sering leka dan lupa
terlalu mudah putus asa
kecewa dan berhenti berusaha
menangani semuanya
kerana mama hanya insan biasa
yang kadang kala lupa pada yang esa....
lupa untuk redha dan belajar menerima
lupa untuk syukur dan sabar dalam berusaha
Maafkan mama....anakku sayang

Anakku sayang
Terimalah mama seadanya
walau dalam apa jua ketika
sayang tetap buah hati mama
sayang tetap kesayangan mama
selagi hayat masih ada
kasih sayang mama tidak akan kurang
malah makin bertambah dengan masa
makin cinta dengan setiap kurniaanNya

Terima kasih Allah
terima kasih yang tidak terhingga
mengurniakan aku yg teristimewa
panjangkanlah kasih sayang antara kami
panjangkanlah usia kami bersama-sama
tabahkanlah hati kami
mudahkanlah urusan dunia kami
sesungguhnya dunia ini hanya sementara
akhirat jua yang kekal selamanya

Anakku sayang
menghadapi semuanya
apalah dunia
berbanding syurga.....