Thursday, September 16, 2010


In my previous company, my boss, did not really like me....for a certain reasons, i assumed.... Thus, the relationship does not goes far other than a boss and a subordinate. But I'm okay with it and can understand why he reacted the way he is. Nevertheless, still I am glad that he is my boss for quite sometime, because I really learnt a lot from him....

But then one day, in a meeting, he came and said

" Ayu should attend the meeting. She's with high persistence and emotion-less, she can deal with them "....

Since we seldom talked, I was kind of surprised to hear that. I took persistence, as a compliment, but for emotion-less, am I.....emotion-less?? Which category does emotion-less goes to? A compliment? Or a criticism?

I reviewed back myself.....and yeah...I seldom got angry and upset these days....with those you-know-who-peoples, that can be really annoying some times or a lot of times.... May be this attitude is called a emotion-less by my boss - the ability to stay cool when dealing with arrogant-annoying-self denials-peoples...

Hence, I believed it is a good thing that I have reached a certain level of maturity in my individual EQ development. I am able to control my emotion...hmmmm sounds me, it really does sounds good, because when dealing with these kind of peoples, you just felt like turning them into a frog or vaporised them into the thin air....they are really seriously-annoying and I, am able to stay cool....hah.....I wonder how I did that too...

And here is the secret recipe....

Actually, what really happened is that since I have Adibah, my-lovely-special-sick-sindromic-daughter, I have experienced a tough test, a tough emotion test that has really tested me. I am not sure whether I passed the test or not but the test really changed me. Therefore, dealing with those-annoying-peoples was a much lighter test compared to Adibah. Thus, it was easy for me and with that I felt so grateful for have been chosen for the test, for I knew, the test is actually good for me and have made me a much better person today.

So, whenever you are tested, be brave, for He knew, you can tackle the test and you have the capability to deal with it. The tests will eventually, help you to improve yourself, make you a much better person and of course, you shall be closer to Him, Allah saw. So, be tough, stop complaining and make the best with what you've got. And don't forget to look down. If you think your life is difficult, there are many others out there, whom having a much more difficult life than you. So, be grateful...

Coming back to basic, life is about making choices, so why to choose to be sad, when you can be happy :)