Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pimpinlah aku ke syurga

Telah lebih sedekad mencintaimu
Jarak masa kadangkala mengelirukan aku
Adakah aku masih yang kau cinta dulu?

Selama menempuhi jarak waktu itu
Bagaimana prestasiku?
Adakah aku menyenangkan hatimu?
Adakah aku membuatkan kau tersenyum?
Adakah menyentuhku membahagiakanmu?

Aku hanya manusia biasa
Sepertimu, aku juga mendambakan syurga
Namun pasti tiada redha Tuhanku tanpa redhamu

Dengan itu suamiku
Tatkala aku lalai dalam tanggungjawabku sebagai isterimu
Ketika kadangkala aku terlalu meminta-minta akan nikmat dunia
Menagih selalu kata-kata cinta darimu
Merayu-rayu lebih banyak masamu untukku

Maafkanlah aku
Aku cuma isteri alaf ini
Yang mudah hanyut dalam menongkah arus dunia
Namun tetap mendambakan syurga serta segala nikmatnya
Maka aku merayu suamiku
Jangan lepaskan tangan ku walau apa jua yang berlaku
Dan jangan jemu memimpinku......


Thursday, October 6, 2011


Do you have worries? I have so many worries….

Last week, my darling baby was sick. I was so worried….. if she was sick because it’s time for her to return back to the Creator. I was so worried even though I am so aware that this is beyond my control.

When I drive, I am worried that I may get involve in an accident and return back to the Creator. Will I be able to answer all the questions in the next life? Will I be bringing a lot of good deeds with me or I shall be bringing with me all the sins and wrong doings? Will I be proud to tell the Creator of what I have done with all the gifts, the life, the age that He had given me. Or will I be so ashamed of my own self for there is nothing good that I’ve done with my life other than wasting it for the world that I am certainly knew is only a short, tiny journey of life.

When I heard of friends diagnosed with cancer, I was worried that what if, I shall be tested with the same disease. Will my loved one be able to take care of me? Will he be there for me? Will my family be strong to hold my hand along the way? Will I be strong to face it?

I am worried of losing too. If I lost my loved one, will I be able to stand and continue living. Will I be able to cope with life without them? What will I do if I miss them? To whom shall I seek should I need love and support? Will I be able to accept the fate? That all is given to us is a loan from the Creator and that only He has the rights to retrieve it back anytime He wants. Everything that is given to you…. money, wealth, health, children, happiness….is all His…..So, He certainly has the right to take it back without prior notice…..will I survive the test of lost?

And when I’ve seen a perfect couple, a couple that have gone through 15 years of marriage life, filing a divorce, I am worried too. Will I be able to always lead a happy, meaningful marriage life? What if my loved one found someone new and so fond of her and forgets all about me. Forget of all the years that we’ve spend together. Forget that we’ve been in love? Will love always be there for me? Will he always love me? If it happens, how will my heart cope with the pain? Will my heart be broken into pieces and will it ever cure again?

Hah…..I have tonne of worries……but I have cure for all my worries….

To the Creator, we shall come back. For all my worries, for all my hopes, for all my dreams, I shall seek and lean to the Creator. For we need to have high faith that Allah SWT decides what’s best for us. Life is difficult, hence, I am so glad, so grateful, felt so blessed for I knew I certainly have a best place to turn to……

Daripada Abu ai-Abbas, Abdullah bin Abbas r.a., beliau berkata, “Suatu hari saya berada di belakang Nabi S.a.w., lalu baginda bersabda, “Wahai anakanda, aku akan mengajarkan kepadamu beberapa perkara: Jagalah Allah, nescaya Dia akan mengjagamu. Jagalah Allah, nescaya Dia akan selalu berada di hadapanmu. Jika kamu meminta, mintalah kepada Allah, jika kamu memohon pertolongan, mohonlah pertolongan kepada Allah. Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya andaikata sekelompok orang bersatu untuk mendatangkan sesuatu manfaat kepadamu, mereka tidak akan dapat memberikan manfaat sedikit pun kecuali apa yang telah Allah tetapkan bagimu. Dan andaikata mereka bersatu untuk mendatangkan sesuatu yang memudharatkanmu, nescaya mereka tidak akan memudharatkanmu kecuali musibah yang memang telah Allah tetapkan bagimu. Pena telah diangkat dan lembaran telah kering.” (HR. Tirmizi, dia berkata, “Hadis ini hasan Sahih”).

Dalam sebuah riwayat selain Tirmizi dikatakan, “Jagalah Allah, nescaya engkau akan mendapatkan-Nya di hadapanmu. Kenalilah Allah di waktu senang, nescaya Dia akan mengenalmu di waktu musibah. Ketahuilah bahawa apa yang ditetapkan luput darimu, tidaklah akan menimpamu, Dan apa yang ditetapkan akan menimpamu, tidak akan luput darimu. Ketahuilah bahawa kemenangan itu bersama kesabaran, dan kemudahan itu bersama kesulitan, dan bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan.