Thursday, August 18, 2011


Always I’ve been thinking on how to align life, between dunia and akhirat? How to be balance? How to perform well in both? Or should we only be the best for akhirat and leave out dunia? Be the best for akhirat because that is compulsory and for dunia, is only optional? How should we do it? Can we be wanting both, dunia and akhirat. Can the dunia activities also leading to akhirat and vice versa? Can both be synergize?

The answer is yes. I’ve seen people that perform well, dunia and akhirat. It is difficult to explain this in words until I’ve read the books written by Prof Dr Muhd Kamil Ibrahim and Dr Ridzwan Bakar. Thank you very much Norhidayah for sharing these valuable, resourceful books that to me is able to describe how to be excellent, dunia dan akhirat.

Hence, below are the words written by Prof Dr Muhd Kamil Ibrahim, in one of the books “Bila pintu hati terbuka” ...

"Mulai hari ini – jika anda mahu mendengar nasihat saya – saya mahu anda bangun bersolat malam, minta ampun, bertaubat dan berdoa kepada-Nya. ALLAH telah berjanji akan memakbulkan segala pemintaan yang kita mohon dengan syarat kita lakukan dengan penuh keikhlasan, dalam ketakutan dan mempercayai yang DIA Maha Berkuasa. Jika kita gagal sekalipun, kita akan reda kerana kita sepatutnya mempercayai yang ALLAH lebih tahu apa yang tidak kita ketahui.

Pergantungan kepada ALLAH merupakan kunci kepada kekuatan dalaman seseorang insan".

Yes, that is the key, pergantungan kepada ALLAH. That will lead the way to be excellent in both dunia and akhirat...InsyaALLAH...

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