Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Developed and developing??

The last few days, I’ve spent it at the hospital with my husband, accompanying him. He got stone at the kidney. He was in Putrajaya when he felt the pain. Hearing about his pain and having sent to the hospital was enough to make me worried so much. Even though I knew that his friends were taking good care of him, I am still very worried and can’t wait to be with him.

Due to this stone thing, he had to undergo a minor operation. Again, I was worried. Will the operation be okay? What if anything bad happened during the operation and etc.

Hah.....this tiny test to us had made us worried so much. What about those in Japan? They are facing a much greater challenge than us. Hence, the ability of the Japanese to stay calm and relax in facing this disaster test is amazing. And yes, we have to admit, they are, the peoples of a developed country. Today, they proved that they are a developed country and so as the citizens, all developed and matured.

As you knew Japan too, is a country with high technology. Again, I admired them. Imagine their life is in a very high technology environment where all you need to do is to push a button and things will move. From house, to work place and even the toilet, with one button push or sometimes don’t even have to push any button, using sensors, things will be automatically done. Thus, then after having this kind of life, you were push to enter an environment without electricity and water, will you be able to remain calm? The Japanese did.

They have proved that they are able to still survive this kind of situation apart from their-so-called-pampered-life. Can you imagine if this disaster took place in Malaysia? Can you imagine how we react? Hmmmm.........that is why we are developing country and not developed country...

I am not sure on how the Japanese having this good attitude. Since they are not really religious, thus, I believed, that they are well-trained. The Japanese leaders’ had a perfect mould to mould the citizens into this good shape. I remembered when our ex PM, Mahathir was talking about Wawasan 2020, having citizens in our own mould. I believed, he was talking about having a developed citizen and not only developed country by 2020. Of course, how could we have a developed country without first having a developed citizen. In fact, we need a developed citizen first, prior to the developed country.

But looking at Malaysia’s current condition of development, I am not really sure whether we are moving the right way. Don’t really see the human development program or any educational method of developing the citizens into a developed-country- citizen being done. And I am not sure whether we have a mould? Do we know what we want to be? And are we moving towards Wawasan 2020, or with a new leader now, had Wawasan 2020 been banish? And here we are, 1 Malaysia. Or the leader now is just interested with educating the public on road traffic regulations by giving summons....thus, other than that, nothing else matter....

I can still see peoples throwing rubbish out of their car window, hence I believed we are far behind, to catch up with 2020. Shall we bid farewell to 2020 and come out with the new targets? Well, who actually cares about this? The government? The peoples? I won’t blame the Malaysian citizen if they don’t care.

I knew, Malaysians are busy coping with the increase of price of the mandatory life needs, such as food. In order to cope with the high living expenses, adults have to spend more time at work to gain extra money. Due to this, less time spend with family. Thus, leading to higher rate of broken-family-institution and hence, more abandoned children.

So, our next generation, will be mostly children from broken or half-broken-family. And with this, do we still talk about being a developed country?

Okay, I’ll stop writing now.....enough said neh....let’s stop complaining and do our part. We are all grown up and we knew what we have to do. So, people.....let’s move it.....we certainly don’t want a real tsunami to come to us and then only we learn a lesson, don’t we.....


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