Thursday, August 26, 2010

10th Anniversary!!!!

Today marked the 10th anniversary of my wedding. Hmmmm....10 years...what are the feelings? Happy? Bored? Exhausted? Still in love? You said 10th and then followed by the words aaarghhhhh???

You said 10th and then followed by the remarked...I wondered how I survived these years?? Or 10th and said, those are the lovely, fulfilling years of your life?

As for me, while I’m writing this, I am actually sitting and waiting for my life partner whom I’ve spent the last 10 years with at the Juru R & R area. After 10 years, I’ve noticed that there is one thing that my life partner is good at, keeping me waiting and never changed until today, the 10th anniversary of our wedding.

And the more ironic thing is, even though I am mad of waiting for him, but still, I do wait and when we met, I did not get mad at him but in turn, I felt so grateful that he had safely arrived. Being a long distance couple, waiting has become a part of my life...

After these 10th years, I wondered on how that I have this ability to compromise with him on this since, I am such a punctual person and all these years I’ve grown up with the value of punctuality hence, of course, I don’t like a every-time-not-punctual-person. But what can I say, he is the man that I love, and for him, I shall wait for as long as he wants me to....

That means technically and practically, love is a powerful thing. It is able of turning you upside down, able of changing you to a different type of person, able of making you doing silly things, able of making you, do the things that you’ve never done before...With such powerful ability of love, ones need to be sure that they fall in love with the right, correct, good, non-hazardous, non-toxic type of love. Or else, they have the chance of ruin their life...

As for me, I continued waiting for my husband for the 10th years and shall continue waiting. So, I guessed after 10th years, I am still in love, truly,deeply and madly in love.....

To the man I love,
May this 10th Anniversary, be the new beginning of a matured-increased-faithful-strong-happy love story for us. I love you and will always do....



cloudies said...

comey2!!!congrate k.ayu....wns doakan smoga kekal ke akhir hayat...smoga dpt bb br =P

Ayu said...

Thank you so much...