Monday, December 3, 2012

little things from big hearts.....

little things that are significant....

have u done little things that are significant? i am not sure whether i've done it or not but i have a few experiences on it....the little things that you kept in mind and it changed gave a strong impact to your life...the little that you count as gold...and the person that do or say that little things to you did not even realised it...

when i was in school...i used to be such a good student....i was in the first class every year...then i changed school....i entered the boarding school...i do not know what goes wrong...but my grades are really bad....dropping and dropping....i just can't focus and don't know where to focus...due to this bad results, the students are called and were given talks on how we should chemistry teacher suddenly realised that i was among those poor results students...and he said...why are you here? you shouldn't be here....his words struck me to the face like lighting....after the session...the next next day...he called me to have a personal tutorial class with him on chemistry....that are little things to him but to me. ....that means a lot....that words...that tutorial classes....even though i don't really scored in chemistry during the school years but i am really thankful to him for what he did....and because of what he did....i was so much into chemistry and further my studies in chemistry...

that are little things that have high impact on my life....

so from here i learnt...if you want to do good things or to say good things to somebody with the help consult matter how small it little that things are....please proceed...don't think too'll never know on how big the impact may be on that little things that you've'll be surprised....

little things from big hearts does matter :)

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